Many of you probably do not even realise how many mistakes you make while your evening bath. What …
Nowadays, you can hear a lot about oiling the hair. The internet is full of information connected with …
Summer is blooming. Your skin requires special treatment during the day and the night, as well as at …
You have your leave planned on the autumn and spend long summer days in the office? This is …
There are girls who cannot live without hair colourisation. There are also those who prefer natural looking streaks. …
Who hasn’t seen Disney’s “Tangled”? Probably most of you were so jealous of main character’s long and beautiful …
Toni&Guy is famous for cosmetics designed for hair care. This time it has presented all hair freaks with …
Frizzing, overdrying, oily hair, dandruff and colour fading. These are the most common problems that all hair freaks …
There is no way make-up will work without it. What are we talking about? It’s Kevyn Aucoin, The …
What’s the point of spending money on drugstore self-tanners which contain a lot of chemicals and artificial substances? …